Storyboards & Animatics for the Web
>> Project Aims
Project Aims
The aniamtics project, originally funded by the Scottish Enterprise proof of concept fund aims to revolutionize the preparation of animated sequences. Powerful audio recording capabilities, precise frame layout, and the ability to vetorise 'hand drawn' storyboards will be combined into an aniamtic creation and editing suite, providing precise synchronisation of sound and vision. Uniquely, this suite will allow for a soundtrack to be recorded prior to adding any image sequences, reversing the normal process of recording a coundtrack over an animated sequence.
The project aims to develop three main componets.
- An animatic Creation and editing suite
- A Client Player to present a created aniamtic
- A Raster Image to Scalable Vector Graphic(SVG) convertor
Original Timespan
June 2002 - June 2004
The original Scottish Enterprise project is now complete, a snapshot of the compositor and player are availble from the sourceforge downloads page.
The intention is to continue development on SourceForge, with a view to stabalising the current software, and creating a first release.
Unfortunately, the work on vectorizing raster images as SVG will not be released at this time.